Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Story, 30 Seconds To Mars, New Music, and My New Tatttoo

It was a quiet, boring holiday weekend around here.  I really need to get out and find people that enjoy some of the same activies that I do- but that's a story for another post.

I started sketching out a new story last night, angel/demon/good/evil theme, that I managed to totally creep myself out with.  That doesn't happen too often, I'm a huge fan of the genre and I really like writing in it, but for some reason this particular storyline feels like it's pushing a lot of buttons.  Which makes it interesting to write!  I described this new story on Facebook as being somewhere between 9 1/2 weeks, the Seventh Seal, and Constantine - none of which I have watched recently so don't ask me where this came from.

So into Xmind I've been delving to get it hammered out (I use Xmind to organize all my writing, both novels and scripts).  I'm trying to decide what format would be best for this particular project- script or novel.  I'm also sort of intrigued by maybe it being perfect for a graphic novel.  The only hangup there is that I am no graphic artist and I don't know anyone that is, but I think the idea is worth pursuing so we'll see.

I'm going to see 30 Seconds To Mars on Thursday up at the Webster in Hartford.

I'm very psyched to see the show, I've been a fan for such a long time.  I was able to see them live for the first time earlier this year at B.O.M.B. Fest.  That was an awesome festival and to see 30STM live was an experience.

There's a 30STM t-shirt out there that says, "Yes.  This is a Cult" (not kidding, you can buy it here, and, yes, I want one.  And hey- lookie that, my birthday's coming in November.  Just sayin').  Where was I?  Oh yeah, the Cult of Mars, anyway, I was amazed at B.O.M.B. Fest at the diversity of the the 30STM fan base.  And I was also amazed at the positive and inclusive nature of this fan base.  Young, old, fat, skinny, goth, preppy, gay, straight, hippie, square, weird, normal- it just didn't matter.  Everyone was there for the music, for the Mars experience.  I think it was the single most inclusive thing I've ever been a part of and it was almost a physical high.  And it was addicting.  That attitude and energy comes from the band, and they foster and encourage it within their fans.  The idea of telling young people (and even us old people) that it's okay to be who you are isn't a new concept, and it's not revolutionary, but I think it's something missing in many people's lives (I know it's been missing in mine) and somehow, someway, 30STM gets that simple, life-affirming message across through their music, their shows, and their online presence.  So, yeah, I'm pretty sure this just might be a cult, and I've drunk the kool-aid that is their music and message and, yeah, I'll be over there standing in line for more. 

Which brings me to my new tattoo!  I just had this done a few hours ago (definitely needs to be viewed full size).

I went and had this done up at Turnpike Tattoo in Meriden.  Troy was awesome to work with and took what I wanted and made it a reality!  It looks really red, that's because I had it done in a henna shade versus black.  Once it heals that henna shade will show.  It's got the 30STM Triad on one side and an Eolh rune on the other.  The wording is from the 30STM song "This Is War" and reads: 

it's the moment of truth
and the moment to lie
and the moment to live 
and the moment to die

For reasons I'm not quite willing to share with the world, this particular phrase has deep personal meaning for me.  It inspires me in unexpected ways and it's very fitting that I now wear it on my skin.  'Nuf said there.

Woke up today to a new follower on Twitter - @SapphireSolace.  Followed their links down the rabbit hole and found FANTASTIC new music.  Seriously - go to their MySpace page and listen.  I don't think I've ever hit iTunes so fast to download something in my life.  That I like the music really shouldn't surprise me given that Rick Joyce (from one of my other favorites The Last Dance) is in it.  The female vocalist, Velvet Shadow, is amazing.  Her voice is rich and strong, and haunting.

Okay, I think I'm done rambling.  I've got thoughts on the Craigslist censoring, my vegetarian ways versus vegan, and more on the ridiculousness that is Focus on the Family's position on the Safe Schools Improvement Act but I want to go work on my VeryCreepyStory for a while.

Peace and love

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