Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm walking for the ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Hartford
Sunday, October 17th, 2010
Bushnell Park, Hartford

My brother Ed, and his wife Sara,  and their friends started an ACS Relay for Life team last year that I helped out with and I've got to say that I sincerely enjoyed the energy and friendly nature of everyone that participated overall.  It was a great, great weekend.

Sara has actually been asked to step up and be a part of the local ACS chapter's Relay for Life committee and I'm going to be stepping up to helping out with the Relay team even more.  It'll be nice to use some of my past experience to help out and to maybe mentor a little like I was mentored.  It should be fun, I love planning fundraising events (probably should have made a career out of this somehow) and this team is a bunch of serious worker bees- they just get stuff done!  It's awesome!

Anywho- Sara invited me to participate in this year's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk up in Hartford.  So I'm all signed up to walk.  I'm not setting a high personal donation