
I haunt most of the same websites as a lot of people, besides being a complete and utter Wikipedia junkie (honestly, I can get lost in Wikipedia for hours jumping from link to link), I also use YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, Google, eBay, Twitter, et cetera, just like everyone else so I'm not gonna list out the obvious.

But here are some others that I really enjoy and visit frequently:

Equality, Human Rights, and LGBT interests

Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
-----HRC works tirelessly for equality.  And they are a wonderful source for relevant news stories and information.

The Trevor Project
-----Suicide hotline for LGBT and questioning youth.  Please, if you're are thinking about taking your own life, please, please call them at 866-488-7386 (866-4-U-TREVOR).  They are there to listen and they care.  

Give A Damn Campaign
-----Fantastic awareness campaign spearheaded by Cyndi Lauper who is joined by a plethora of other celebrities to promote equality.  Lots of wonderful information and energy.

Tolerance (Southern Poverty Law Center project)
-----Wonderful site promoting tolerance.  Great tools for educators and schools.

Entertainment Links

Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
-----oh how I love thee, let me count the ways....  I am a total IMDB junkie.  In case you've been living in a cave with Gollum and don't have a clue, you can use IMDB to look up movies, actor/actress, and television shows. 

-----awesome place to look up music that you hear in television episodes.

-----an exhaustive reference guide to all things Stargate related.

Writing Tools/Sites

National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo or NaNo)
-----I've participated twice now in NaNoWriMo and I've already got a plot worked out for this years competition- going for the hat trick.  Basically those that participate strive to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.  It's insane, and there are fantastic groups of other NaNo'ers that get together and write and encourage each other.  Fun times!

Script Frenzy
-----SF is run by the same folks as NaNoWriMo but instead of a novel, the goal is to write a 100 page script in the month of April.  I participated in this for the first time last year and we'll see what April 2011 brings!

-----in a nutshell Celtx is a free script writing software.  I'm still learning the software and I figure out new things every time I poke around in it and I love visiting their forums.  I think it's a wonderful program.   

XMind (mind-mapping software)
-----I've discovered the joy of using mind-mapping as opposed to traditional outlining and I love it.  XMind allows me to take all my random scratchings and put them into workable/editable mind-map.  I've started using XMind for all my writing projects, it keeps me amazing on point but yet gives me the flexibility to be random.

The United States Copyright Office
-----Everything you need to know about protecting your work.  I actually find this site to be very well organized and easy to navigate.

Food Links

Jewish Food at My Jewish Learning
-----I love this site.  So many wonderful recipes.  And the main site is a fantastic Judaism information resource.

Self Nutritional Data
-----I use this site a lot.  Has full and even extended nutritional information about food.  You can even build recipes and it will produce a customized nutritional data type label for you.  Very, very handy.