Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A little wired today...

I'm a little high-energy today as the post title implies.  I started some much needed household reorganizing earlier, things just feel very very convoluted and lacking rhyme or reason.  So the junk drawers have been cleaned and bunches of stuff tossed.  I'm also working on rearranging the storage cupboards, I've got three sets of good china mish-mashed in with my plastic storage containers and I can no longer find a frakkin' thing when I want it.  So reorganizing it is.

One of the wonderful things about mundane household tasks is that I can play out my plot lines in my head while I'm working.  I've hashed out a couple of intense scenes from my VeryCreepyStory and I actually worked out how to fix a couple of stumbling blocks in my big script.  So later tonight, after Warehouse 13, I'll see about getting them all down on paper.

My tattoo looks great today!  There's only one small spot that is sore, and that's the spot that hurt the most when he was doing it.  I really can't wait for the redness to go away so the henna color can be seen, I think it's going to be awesome.

Had a conservative Republican group knock on the door earlier wanting to talk about what
candidates they are stumping for.  The woman was very uptight and judging by her displayed crucifix and angel pin I'm assuming she's a Christian of some flavor.  I'm normally polite, and even listen most of the time, but she started going off about needing a better moral compass for our government and getting back to the supposed Christian values our country was founded on.  I was in a mood I guess, so I firmly, but politely, informed her I was an atheist and that I believe in the strict separation of church and state.  I kid you not, she almost turned purple.  When I went on to say that I would only vote for candidates that fully support LGBT equality including the repeal of DADT, she went from purple to puce like a healing bruise.  She finally just left without saying another word.  Didn't even try to persuade me.

I'm really miffed at Target.  I'm not late to the protest party, I had jumped onboard that when the news first broke.  But what I'm miffed about is that there are things I used to really like to buy at Target, things I now need to buy.  I don't have a Target in my town, I have to go two towns over to the nearest one, so it's never just a quick one-item trip for me.  I sincerely hope that their loss of not only customer good will, but the actual sales revenue far exceeds the $150,000 they gave to that campaign.  They would have been SO much better off to give an additional $150,000 to an opposing campaign or organization.  I think a lot of customers, including myself, would have been happy with that corrective action and forgiven them and returned to shopping.  But they didn't, so I intend to hold my shopping-at-Target-ban grudge a very very long time.

Okay, I'm off to make some fresh popcorn and settle in for Warehouse 13  :)  I adore this show, simply adore it.

Peace and love,

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