Title: Ciao (2008)
Watched: June 2010
Own DVD?: No
My Rating: 9/10 stars
Review: Ciao is definitely not for everyone, both in its content and in its art house style. But I I found this to be a heartwrenchingly beautiful and subtle film.
Although primarily focusing on Jeff and Andrea, there was always a powerful third character present- the overwhelming and mind-numbing grief both men felt for Mark.
That grief was practically tangible throughout the entire film and I think those that enjoyed the film recognize that. And to those that say that the film felt disjointed and stilted, I say that it was a perfect expression of that intense grief.
I liked the fact the fact that they (Andrea and Jeff) became intimate the way they did, it was sensual and plausible and more meaningful than any sort of a trope hookup. The minimalist music was fantastic and again, the stretches of absolute silence in the film added to the sensation of grief and loss. The ending worked for me as well, giving both men the reminder that there is a future without Mark, and that just maybe that future could include each other.
Would I watch again?: Absolutely.
Would I recommend?: Absolutely, with the caveat that this type of film isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Is it available on DVD?: Yes - here it is on Amazon:
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